Though the use of advanced design, materials and construction we create custom homes that push the limit of what’s possible.


Advanced DESIGN

We are enablers of architects. In tandem with the client, architects provide the vision and we determine how to execute. It’s why we are always actively involved with the design process, we help determine the best materials and processes to bring your project to life.

Advanced Materials

We continuously research the advent of building materials. Each time a new material becomes available we do extensive research to understand its abilities, limitations and range in various environments. Through this expanding knowledge of new and existing products we are able to build homes that function at the highest level of structural and environmental standards.

Advanced Construction

The challenging nature of the homes we build dictates that we are well versed in multiple structural systems. We can work with steel, concrete, timber, commercial glazing or glass walls in complete confidence. It’s a confidence that was born from our philosophy of continual improvement. We regularly participate in industry forums and participate in advanced training sessions both locally and abroad.




Through our years as builders we have determined three principles we believe help us deliver the best results to our clients.



We negotiate a fixed-fee up front.

We work with you to understand the scope, complexity and timeline of your project which informs our management fee.  We work this way because we believe it leads to the best outcome of the project. We want our clients to have utter confidence in our motivations. By taking money off-the-table so to speak, we move forwardly aligned in our goals.


We spend a lot of time
on site.

The best way to ensure quality of craftsmanship is to be there. It’s why we have someone from TILT’s team on your site at every critical juncture and also during the less critical times. Being on the ground every step of the way is how we ensure each aspect of your project is implemented to the highest standard.


Good enough is not good enough.

If you’re not happy, we’re not happy. Far from being a process where expectations become diminished along the way, we want your build to be something that becomes more exciting and inspiring.